Innovation Works Co-Tenant Code of Conduct and Community Agreements

Pillar Nonprofit Network is a network organization dedicated to enhancing the operational capabilities of the impact sector. Innovation Works is a coworking space owned and operated by Pillar Nonprofit Network. Our co-tenants are nonprofits, businesses, and/or individuals that lease co-working space at Innovation Works. 

Pillar’s mission states: “We are a force for positive change in our community. We strengthen individuals and organizations through inclusive advocacy, comprehensive capacity building, and by cultivating collaboration. We deliver on our mission by: 

  • Increasing awareness of social impact organizations and social enterprises as social and economic drivers

  • Supporting community sector organizations including nonprofits and social enterprises to develop an inclusive workplace

  • Facilitating collaboration through a network approach that connects social impact organizations to each other and business and government

  • Finding new ways, programs and services to address our community's most persistent challenges


The following statement of values illustrates the work that Pillar is doing in the community and beyond to connect with and inspire the community—forging a just and vibrant tomorrow for all.

  • We believe that the work we do to strengthen the community is work we do together, with you. 

  • We are committed to respecting each other and showing up with humility, empathy, and a willingness to learn and unlearn. 

  • We are committed to cultivating a brave space where all co-tenants are supported to use their voice, within Innovation Works, their own organization, and beyond. 

  • We are committed to anti-oppression and anti-racism and we challenge it in all its forms, including, but not limited to, racism, ableism, sexism, and homophobia. We recognize that anti-oppression and anti-racism are distinct from simply having a disposition of being “not racist" or "not oppressive," but rather is characterized by taking action against oppression and racism.

  • We value transparency and seek to ensure decision-making is inclusive of diverse perspectives. We commit to making decisions informed by the collective wisdom of our co-tenants, our network, our members, and the community we serve. We also seek to identify the voices that are not being included and work with local organizations and individuals to close those gaps.

We are committed to seeking regular feedback and promptly responding to and addressing concerns. We are dedicated to providing our co-tenants with the information, resources, and support they require.



If you are a co-tenant of Innovation Works, please make sure to review all items in your lease agreement regarding your rights and responsibilities. While the Pillar Nonprofit Network Code of Conduct sets expectations around behaviour, your lease agreement will contain important provisions regarding expectations concerning your desk or office package.



As a co-tenant or guest of Innovation Works, there are some house rules we ask all individuals in the space to be mindful of and follow:

As a co-tenant, you and/or your organization agree to adhere to the following:

  1. Co-tenants understand that they are a part of a community of organizations and individuals working to make a positive impact in society and their presence at Innovation Works is an integral part of connecting to the community. 

  1. Fobs or access to the premises shall not be transferred to individuals or groups outside the rental agreement. Innovation Works is only available to current co-tenants or external community members who have booked meeting or event space. 

  1. The name(s) and logo(s) of Pillar Nonprofit Network or Innovation Works must not be used in any illegal or unethical activity including false claims of endorsement. 

  1. Innovation Works must not be used to engage in any practice that violates local, provincial, or federal laws and regulations or is considered unethical.

  1. The name, logo, or programs of Pillar Nonprofit Network or Innovation Works must not be employed for personal or organizational profit, gain or benefit, or in any manner deemed to be inappropriate by Pillar’s Board of Directors.

  1. All fobs and other equipment provided by Pillar Nonprofit Network must be kept secure and in good condition and returned upon termination of co-tenancy. Lost or unreturned fobs will result in charges for the lost FOB and replacement costs.

  1. All common areas of Innovation Works, including communal kitchens, appliances and equipment, must be kept clean. Co-tenants may store items in fridges with the understanding that these are cleaned out, and leftover items discarded, every Friday at 12:00 PM. 

  1. Private offices, personal desks and flex desks must be clean and presentable at all times. 

  1. Co-tenants must ensure that they, their employees and their guests are respectful of other users of the space. 

    1. Be mindful of the volume when you are speaking with others.

    2. Headphones should be used for virtual meetings in an open area.

    3. Meeting rooms, the phone room, or the quiet space should be booked/used when and where possible to minimize distractions for those around you. 

  1. Innovation Works welcomes dogs as long as they are friendly to humans and other dogs and provided that the co-tenant takes care to ensure the good behaviour of their four-legged companion. 

    1. Co-tenants who bring their dog(s) must promptly clean up any messes and inform the Building Manager of Innovation Works immediately of any damage.

    2. Dogs that are disruptive, destructive, or present a danger to other co-tenants or dogs will be asked to be kept at home.

  1. Mailboxes must be checked on a regular basis. Pillar Nonprofit Network is not responsible for notifying co-tenants of incoming mail. 

  1. Co-tenants are not permitted to go behind the Welcome Desk on the main floor of Innovation Works for any reason at any time. 

  1. Any vehicle that is parked in the Innovation Works lot that is not authorized to do so will be contacted to move their vehicle. Failure to do so could result in the vehicle being towed away at the owner’s expense.

  1. All guests must sign in at the front desk. Co-tenants will be notified via email when a guest arrives and are asked to meet their guest(s) on the main floor. 

  1. Food delivery drivers are not permitted to access Innovation Works beyond the Welcome Desk. Please meet your delivery driver on the main floor of Innovation Works.