Member Organization Details

Leads Employment Services London Inc.

171 Queens Ave., Suite 410
London, ON, N6A 5J7
  • Leads Employment Services is a not-for-profit employment and skills development agency founded in 1986
  • The Employment Specialists at Leads work with a diverse range of well-respected public, private and not-for-profit sector employers.
  • We provide specialized vocational development and training services for people above the age of 14 with physical, mental health, development and learning disabilities 


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March 11, 2025 Employment Specialists Currently Hiring!! Are you a dynamic, energetic, and creative individual who aspires to have a fulfilling career? Join the Growing Leads Team! London and Middlesex and Area Elgin and Area Stratford and Area Requirements – you must have: An undergraduate degree, graduate degree or Community College...
March 11, 2025 Governance Board Member ABOUT US: LEADS Employment Services is a not for profit employment and skills development agency. Since 1986, we have been providing specialized services for people with disabilities and/or employment-related barriers throughout Southwestern Ontario. At LEADS, Employment Specialists work with...
August 14, 2018 Pawlooza What is Pawlooza? Pawlooza is the ultimate dog party! It’s a festival for dogs and animal lovers! Join an estimated 25,000 people and 6,000 dogs for Canada’s most unique and dog-friendly festival experience. When is Pawlooza? Pawlooza takes place on International Homeless Animals’ Day – the third...
November 3, 2017 Ability First Champion Awards The Ability First Coalition is proud to announce that its keynote speaker for the Ability First Champion Awards banquet is a man who embodies the term champion in every sense of the word -- David Patchell-Evans. The founder and CEO of GoodLife Fitness will present the keynote address at the event...
July 7, 2016 Pawlooza Take your dog dock diving, go swimming in the Pawlooza pond, test your dog’s agility, run the lure course, go offleash in the FunZone, play frisbee in our toss+catch zone, get trick advice, get obedience advice, watch agility demonstrations, visit our VIP lounge… shop from 175 vendors, get great...

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