Engaging Newcomers: Recruitment Strategies for Non-Profit Employers

Across Canada there are approximately 170,000 registered charities and non-profits. These organizations employ an estimated 2 million people. We know that charities and non-profits are a vital part of our economy – we depend on this sector not only for the missions they serve, but also for the people they employ.

When we consider the importance of diversity in the workplace and the changing landscape of the labour market, we want to ensure that charities and non-profits are prepared for the emerging future. With declining birth rates and large numbers of the population aging out of the workforce, non-profit employers, like private sector employers, are becoming more reliant on newcomers than ever before.

Through consultation with Pillar Non-profit Network, the London Community Foundation and United Way Elgin-Middlesex, Immploy has developed an interactive workshop to provide tools and best practices in the recruitment and hiring of newcomers.

Topic areas include:
∙ Inclusive Job Postings to reach newcomer audiences
∙ Outreach Strategies to engage diverse applicants
∙ Approaches to Screening Candidates that tackle bias
∙ Interview Tactics that reduce cross-cultural barriers

Sienna Jae Taylor | Project Manager, Immploy
Kayley MacGregor | Employer Advisor, Immploy
Antwayne Stewart | Online Program Coordinator, Immploy

Whether you're looking for volunteer opportunities,
networking events or a job in the nonprofit sector, we can help.
