Green in the City is an annual environmental seminar series that explores key climate issues through the lenses of local, municipal, and regional speakers. Learn about lifestyle and behavioural changes that support the planet, London’s environment, and you! See all upcoming events for the Green in the City series here.
Due to COVID-19, we will be hosting all Green in the City sessions online via Zoom. These sessions aim to be interactive for all attendees and will include a Q&A period with all speakers.
Please register for this session through Eventbrite. The Zoom link will be sent to all attendees before the session via email.
COVID-19 and a Green Economic Recovery | November 24th, 7-8:30pm
In our final Green in the City session, we will be exploring what strategies, policies, programs, and projects should be implemented for a green economic recovery in London. We are excited to hear from two regional green and circular economy experts as well as several local experts that share our vision for a greener, more resilient and sustainable London! Featuring:
- Gabriella Kalapos, Executive Director of Clean Air Partnership
- Priyanka Lloyd, Executive Director of Green Economy Canada
- Mike Fabro, Manager of Sustainability and Resiliency at City of London
- Joel Abram, Grand Chief, Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians