Camp Kee-Mo-Kee is honoured to host this special event and invite adults in the surrounding communities to further their journey to right relations by creating opportunities for learning and understanding.
Friday, Sept. 29, 2023; 4:00-8:30 pm
At Camp Kee-Mo-Kee, 9581 Glendon Drive, Komoka
$30.00 per person. REGISTRATION REQUIRED; limited # of spaces available.
Registration opens 3:45
4:00 - 7:00 Blanket Exercise with Mary-Anne Kechego
7:00 - 7:30 Traditional First Nations meal of Three Sisters Soup, fresh baked bread and strawberrydrink provided by Gramz Kitchen
7:45 - 8:30 Storytelling around the campfire with Heather Cabral, closing reflection
Please bring a water bottle, insect repellant and dress in comfortable, weather appropriate clothes. The camp buildings are not heated and we plan to be outside for part of the evening.
Questions? Email: