Later is Too Late

Seniors for Climate Action Now, London in Partnership with Pillar Nonprofit Network, invite you to attend Later is Too Late. 

Later is Too Late, a climate documentary is a window into the fears and hopes of ordinary people across Canada facing the existential threat of the climate crisis and working to be part of the solutions. 

“It really scares me for my grandchildren,” and
“we are motivated by our love of our grandchildren,” say participants.  

The film documents the first-ever National Seniors Day climate action, organized by Seniors for Climate, on October 1, 2024. Seniors, youth, Indigenous elders, and environmental and climate justice activists across Turtle Island rallied in 76 communities from Pugwash NS to Victoria BC to Yellowknife NT.

Director Nancy Nicol (professor emerita, York University) is an award-winning documentary filmmaker with a long history of works on human rights and social justice. Later is Too Late is a participatory climate documentary co-produced by Nancy Nicol and Seniors for Climate. Seniors for Climate organizers and videographers in communities across Canada shared documentation of their events with Nancy, from which she created, Later is Too Late, a powerful documentary that tells a story of climate activism and hope for a better future.

Watch the trailer here:

Read the Synopsis:

Learn More About SCAN! London

Seniors for Climate Action Now, London are members of Pillar Nonprofit Network. SCAN! London started with four (very) active members, but their numbers have quickly grown to over twenty, due mainly to their involvement in the special Canada-wide project Seniors for Climate.

They are excited about the activities and events they are planning, so if you live in or near London and are interested in SCAN!’s organizing against climate breakdown, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Learn more about SCAN! London here:

Getting to Innovation Works:

Transportation and parking information can be found here:

Thank you to our 2025 Pillar Impact and Learning Centre Sponsor:

Western Continuing Studies 

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