It’s crunch time, but in a good way. When we began the #PolicyTalk series in the spring of 2023, we were “building the plane on the runway,” learning with each other how the local nonprofit sector could have a positive impact on the development of the City of London’s Multi-Year Budget. Now, let’s make sure we’re ready to have that impact.
Join Pillar and other members of the network at Innovation Works London for a workshop aimed at getting ready to participate in a Public Participation Meeting at the end of February. Together, we’ll make pitches for supporting elements of the draft budget and, using a template, preparing our delegations to Council, coaching each other along the way.
This session is especially intended for EDs, CEOs, and Board Chairs who typically represent their organizations in public affairs, and for individuals who hope to make personal presentations, but everyone is welcome, whether you plan to appear before Council yourself or just want to lend your wisdom and support to others.
Pillar staff will arrive with a good understanding of budget items of high relevance to nonprofit organizations and will send out a brief a week before the session for your review. We will also make sure to have data on hand or easily available to support a variety of cases, but we also look forward to having “the wisdom in the room” to make good cases for Council’s support of the things you care about.
If you want to learn what we’ve done so far in the #PolicyTalk series, you may wish to review:
Pillar #PolicyTalk Report, December 13, 2023: Yes, Nonprofits Can Do Advocacy, Actually; Let’s Get Started (forthcoming in January)
Please note, this event is taking place in person at Innovation Works London and is not being recorded. The slide deck will be shared with all #PolicyTalk attendees before or immediately after the event, and a report on the event will be distributed to all #PolicyTalk attendees in the new year.
Thank you to our 2024 Learning & Development Sponsors:
Western Continuing Studies and Fanshawe Employment and Student Entrepreneurial Services