Reflective Practice and Research Fellowship What is a reflective practice and research fellowship? As the Executive Director of Pillar for more than 10 years, there was an intensity to my role during the growth phases of Pillar, Innovation Works and VERGE Capital that had me all in and firing on all cylinders. I had reached a point in my career that I was looking for a renewed sense of meaning,... Read More
August 21, 2019
Written by Michelle Baldwin, Executive Director I am the one who creates brave new spaces for play, belonging and connection. Do not proceed if you want your life to remain as it is. These are the words I heard a month before starting the Foundations of Purpose program in a preparation call. I remember in this moment feeling overwhelmed with both excitement and fear, but sure that I wanted to... Read More
July 17, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin Policy impacts everything around us. Government policies have innumerable effects on living conditions, influencing everything from funding levels to the programs and services that are made available to our communities. Providing front line services gives nonprofits an advantage in policy conversations; through our organizations, Canadians communicate their values, hopes and ideals and, in turn, we act as an organized expression of these civic desires... Read More
June 18, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin How to Embed & Embrace Failure & Learning in Your Organization Throughout my time as Executive Director of Pillar Nonprofit Network, the use of the word failure has been met with eye rolls, people shifting uncomfortably in their seats and outright debates about using the “f” word. While opening up on this topic is still taboo for some, at Pillar we pair failure with... Read More
June 6, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin The Banff Centre Foundations of Purpose program provided Michelle Baldwin a stunning background to do deep listening, expand awareness and inquiry. Aligning actions and decision making with purpose feels more important than ever right now. #followthefellowship #leadership #vulernability @banffcentre #banffcentre Follow along #followthefellowship Tweets by ml_baldwin Facebook Instagram LinkedInRead More
May 28, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin An epic journey through Europe includes Yunus Business Centre, University of Florence and Social Enterprise NL . Themes include: What is intent of social impact How legal structures drive your business model Social enterprise as tool to create sustainable communities Impact first social enterprises Role of government – activism vs. collaborative spirit Cross sector collaboration – you need all the levers of nonprofit, social... Read More
May 28, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin An epic journey through Europe to Impact Hub Florence , Impact Hub Vienna and Impact Hub Amsterdam revealed! Themes include: 1. Comes as you are, this is your home 2. Like a family 3. Use impact enterprise instead of social enterprise because of interpretation of “social” 4. How do you engage members as active in decision making 5. Creating a network that is alive... Read More
May 14, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin Through her Reflective & Research Fellowship Michelle Baldwin is visiting shared spaces in Europe and Canada. New learnings are emerging while also validating that the approach we take is innovative and co-created with our community. #followthefellowship #togetherforward #sharedspaces #collaboration #impact @csiTO @HUBFirenze @impacthub @ImpactHubAMS Follow along #followthefellowship Tweets by ml_baldwin Facebook Instagram LinkedInRead More
May 6, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin The 5 E’s of Co-Creating Communications with Community Written By: Michelle Baldwin, Executive Director, Pillar Nonprofit Network Pillar, in true network style, leads with collaboration and co-creation even for its communications and branding. Our Pillar, Innovation Works, and VERGE Capital brands have all been co-created with our members, collaborators, network, and the community. Co-creation involves purposefully engaging those relationships in our network and sharing... Read More
May 6, 2019
#followthefellowship blog entry by Michelle Baldwin Exploring themes from meetings, interactions and support from CulturePlex Lab at Western , Maytree Policy School , ON Communication , Revel in the Mess , and Horizon Leadership . Themes include: Data is good Suspending judgement Putting myself out there Finding my inner artist Disconnecting when you hold relationships Space for deeper work Being in the moment Would love to hear from you with... Read More