Pillar Nonprofit Network is recommending to the Ontario government that Budget 2023 include targeted measures to help build a stronger, more resilient nonprofit sector, encouraging more effective cross-sector collaboration and more effective services for Ontarians. In January, Pillar Interim CEO Maureen Cassidy appeared before Ontario Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy to advocate for the nonprofit sector as part of Ontario's 2023 pre-budget consultations, citing local workforce data, our region's experience in volunteer recruitment, and the need for whole-of-community responses to today's challenges. We followed up today with our written submission endorsing some recommendations by the Ontario Nonprofit Network and offering "Recommendations for Ontario Budget 2023 and a Resilient Nonprofit Partner." Recognizing the the myriad of causes and issue areas represented in our membership, we focused on three areas where the government could benefit the whole sector or significant parts of the sector:
- Create a home in government for the nonprofit sector;
- Help to build a resilient nonprofit workforce; and
- Help to rebuild Ontario's volunteer force.
It's critical that the Ontario government hear from and consider the nonprofit sector on so many issues. We hope that Pillar members will submit their own ideas, inform submissions by their sub-sector organizations, or endorse the recommendations made by Pillar and/or the ONN. The government is receiving feedback through a variety of channels until at least Friday, February 10.
- Until Friday, February 10, individuals and organizations can submit ideas through an online survey or find instructions for mailed or emailed submissions here.
- The Legislature's "Request to participate in committees" portal is accepting online submissions until February 14, 2023 at 7pm EST, either as attached documents or as text pasted into a comment field. Just choose "2023 Pre-Budget Consultations" and follow the prompts here.
You can find background on Provincial Advocacy and review the ONN's pre-budget submission here.
Read Pillar's Pre-Budget Submission: Recommendations for Ontario Budget 2023 and a Resilient Nonprofit Partner