Pillar is delighted to have the opportunity to continue to offer the Canada Life Young Leaders program and applications are now open. Pillar has a strong commitment to diversity in leadership, youth volunteerism and board governance education, making this program a natural fit with our other diversity and governance initiatives.
Through sponsorship by Canada Life and a partnership with Young London, this program provides young people in our community with a unique leadership opportunity. The program matches up to 30 young people aged 18-29 with a nonprofit organization, where they will serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) board member for up to one year and learn more about effective nonprofit governance.
For interested agencies:
We invite local nonprofits to consider hosting a young leader on your board. It is an excellent way to gain access to new perspectives, access new communities, and create space for young leaders to learn about the nonprofit sector and develop their leadership skills.
“The most valuable aspect of hosting this year was the creative, innovative and so helpful ideas and tools that [the young leaders] provided, and their experience and insight on several of our initiatives. I am so glad that I was able to get to know them.” - Participating board member
If you would like to host a young leader on your board this year, please fill out the 2022 Young Leaders Expression of Interest Form by August 31, 2022.
For prospective young leaders:
If you are 18-29, we invite you to apply to join the program as a young leader and be matched with a local nonprofit. Through dedicating 5-10 hours a month to this experiential learning opportunity and the comprehensive training provided by Young London and Pillar, you can:
learn the often hidden strategic-level workings of nonprofit organizations.
experience how high-level decisions about external and internal pressures and opportunities affecting the organization
meet, network and work with other community leaders on your board and access mentors
learn more about the collaboration required to have effective nonprofit board governance
To apply as a young leader, complete the application here by Tuesday September 13, 5:00 P.M.
For more information, please contact Jayme Archibald at jayme@younglondon.ca.