Member Moment: The Cultural Gully

Cultural Gully is an events and entertainment company, who mission is to share culture without boundaries or judgement. We are passionate about bringing communities together from all South Asian backgrounds and want to create oneness within all.
What do you want people to know about how you or your organization is creating change in our community?
We want to unite people from across South Asia, as well as invite people from other cultures to learn and take part in the culture in a way that everyone can enjoy; through music, food, dance and traditions.
What you are doing and include how people can get involved.
Last year we hosted London's first South Asian Cultural festival, drawing over 5,000 attendees over the two days. This year, we hope to make it even bigger and better!

We are still accepting applications to sponsor, to perform, to be a vendor, or to volunteer. Most of all, we invite everyone to come and enjoy all of the sounds, sights, smells and tastes of South Asia this July 27 & 28, from 12-8pm on Dundas Place between Talbot and Ridout.
Please share with us why you are a Pillar Nonprofit Network Member. What have you gained from being a Pillar Member?
We are new members, but are looking forward to holding an event in the Innovation Works space, and connect with other individuals and organizations in the network.
Contact Name: Kayley MacGregor
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