Organization/Business: The London Environmental Network
Short Bio or Organizational Mission:
The London Environmental Network helps to protect our environment and build a more sustainable community by building participation, collaboration, and capacity in our community to co-create positive environmental change. Our vision is for London to be known as one of the greenest and most resilient cities in Canada. What do you want people to know about how you or your organization is creating change in our community?
The London Environmental Network is creating change in our community with our wide range of environmental programming, from a program that helps local businesses set and meet sustainability targets to a program that focuses on assisting homeowners as they create more efficient, comfortable and greener homes.
What are you working on that you would like to share with the community? :
The London Environmental Network is launching a new project that will promote energy justice and inclusion by focusing on under-represented and under-served groups and/or communities in the London and surrounding area. Designed for nonprofit organizations that own multi-unit residential building(s), the Nonprofit Resiliency Project will offer webinars, workshops, building walkthroughs and training opportunities so as to increase the sustainability of buildings.
To encourage engagement, services and offerings will be provided for free and each participating organization will receive $1,000 for signing up! As a bonus, organizations that sign up on or before November 20, 2022 will be sent a $100 gift card to the Green Economy London member of their choice.
The hope of the project is to empower the participating organizations with the knowledge and tools to have a positive impact on the environment and to increase their resiliency.
We are currently accepting sign-ups for this project and the project will officially commence in early 2023 and wrap up in 2025. Interested organizations are asked to contact Nicole Karsch (nicole@londonenvironment.net) for more information.
Please share with us why you are a Pillar Nonprofit Network Member. What have you gained from being a Pillar Member?
I really look forward to receiving the member newsletters, especially the funding and supports section which is incredibly valuable for the nonprofit sector!
Contact Name: Nicole Karsch
Contact Email: nicole@londonenvironment.net
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