Circles London (Goodwill Industries)
Short Bio or Organizational Mission:
Circles London is a transformational approach to ending poverty one family at a time. This approach works collaboratively with community volunteers who are further along in their careers – to support Circles participants, with their identified goals and needs. Together, we work to remove complex systemic barriers that continue the cycle of poverty for many Londoners.
What do you want people to know about how you or your organization is creating change in our community?
We are intentional about having our participants' voices heard. When Londoners join Circles as participants we call them leaders - in their own lives, in this program, and in our city. We want them to know they are capable of reaching their goals, and affecting systemic change. This is done through community building, networking, and resourcing. We are building a healthy and strong community that leverages their collective voice for change.
What are you working on that you would like to share with the community?
We would love to connect our Leaders with more businesses that are providing a living wage and work that supports families. Many of our leaders are sole support parents, and it is incredible when we see supportive work environments so that individuals can provide for their families. One of our amazing leaders just started a job with the City of London, Dearness home because she had such great experience working for Edgar and Joe's and Goodwill’s events. Goodwill’s work platforms are meant to support individuals to receive great training and life stabilizing support, and then obtain a job in their field so they can continue to support their families. This is the power of life stabilizing work!
Please write 2-3 paragraphs describing what you are doing and include how people can get involved.
London has four groups that meet weekly (three times each month), learning community development and mutual support. Circles meet in the evenings. During covid we met on Zoom, but pre- and post-Covid we meet in community locations over dinner. At each meeting we have relevant speakers attend or engage in an activity. Each participant has access to a coach and volunteer allies (who are further along in their career) for support, resourcing, and networking. Each participant has the goal of economic self-sufficiency, and we do our best to support each individual to get there.
If you would like to get involved as a volunteer ally you will be invited to join a private facebook group to engage throughout the week, three meetings a month, and various special events for the whole family. This is a volunteer position for those who are interested in supporting our participants to reach their goals, and working together to make systemic change using our collective voice. You can start your journey in allyship by contacting us through our website at Volunteer at Circles London – Circles London (workingtoendpoverty.ca) or by contacting Jessica Justrabo at jjustrabo@goodwillindustries.ca.
Please share with us why you are a Pillar Nonprofit Network Member. What have you gained from being a Pillar Member?
Goodwill has always been a Pillar member because we see the amazing support and ability to make social change - together. I have participated in many training opportunities which has expanded my leadership skills, and allowed me to network with many incredible Londoners. I am very excited about the shift to focus on advocacy work as many nonprofits want to engage in this space, but often don't have time or resources to. Our Circle Leaders attend one meeting a month to have their voices heard about systemic barriers and to share their lived, and living, experience. If your agency, business, or institution would like to speak at one of these meetings, you can reach out to Jessica Justrabo at jjustrabo@goodwillindustries.ca. We would love to work together to make transformational change for Ontarians!
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