Innoweave, an initiative of The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, provides up to $10k in funding to support your team’s capacity-building. Funding is available to nonprofits, for-profits and cooperatives to hire external consulting services to support strategic planning, business planning, financial models, cost analysis and much more. The Pillar team has supported multiple organizations each year through Innoweave funding, a fantastic opportunity to access expert consulting services. Check out the Innoweave site to learn more and take your organization to the next level.
Areas of funding include:
- Social Enterprise
- Scaling Impact
- Policy Engagement
- Impact Measurement
DUE TO UPDATES AT INNOWEAVE THIS WILL BE THE FINAL ROUND OF FUNDING FOR 2023! EXPRESSION OF INTERESTS are due April 15th, and consist of an easy few-page form describing your organization and support requested.
Pillar provides application support: As an advocate for capacity-building funding, Pillar is offering free 1-hour information calls and application reviews.
Interested in applying? Contact Manager of Impact Consulting, Julie Forrester at jforrester@pillarnonprofit.ca for more information and application support.
Impact Consulting by Pillar Nonprofit Network provides cutting edge consulting services designed to amplify the social impact of nonprofit organizations, social enterprises and social purpose businesses. To learn more about Pillar Nonprofit Network's Impact Consulting services, take a look at our service offerings.
We work with successful Innoweave applicants. While you are under no obligation to work with our team, we have multiple registered Innoweave coaches with various expertise. We’ve worked with over a dozen organizations through Innoweave’s generous support. Book a free 1-hour coaching call with our team today by contacting jforresterpillarnonprofit.ca.