Picture Perfect - London’s first co-working space for social innovators opens tomorrow
London, Ontario – Picture this - a writer, a professor, a lawyer, a fundraiser and a yogi sharing space day to day - that’s the snapshot we are bringing to life by bringing epic people together in one open collaborative work space called Innovation Works. London’s first-ever co-working space intentionally designed for social innovators opens on June 15 with over 50 co-tenants. Co-tenants will occupy permanent desk clusters, single desks, and flex desks on the second floor of the building located at 201 King Street, the former GoodLife head office.
The newly renovated space boasts more than bricks and mortar. Innovation Works co-tenants will enjoy special collaboration programming, discussion groups, salad clubs, pet therapy, social media exchanges, and other experiences that foster collisions of ideas, with the desire to reach innovative solutions to our most persistent community challenges.
With the second floor full, third floor tenants are now being secured to move in by early 2017, and there are discussions in place for an anchor tenant for the fourth floor.
“London is ready for this. To watch this dream that started in a living room become a reality is beyond words.” says Michelle Baldwin, Pillar Nonprofit Network’s Executive Director. “It was more than one voice - the community asked for this, and it was created with over 100 volunteers, countless donors and investors.”
To set the stage for inclusion, Innovation Works is inviting all downtown urbanites and the broader London community to their official launch event, the Innovation Works Block Party on July 20. To register, click here.
News Directors/Editors: For interviews, contact Michelle Baldwin at mbaldwin@pillarnonprofit.caor call 519-668-4456.
Alegria 3 Inc. |
Allison Graham, Elevate Biz |
BMO Bank of Montreal |
Brain Injury Association of London and Region |
Brescia University College |
Cambia Development Foundation |
Centre for Organizational Effectiveness |
Centre for Research on Health Equity and Social Inclusion |
CityMatch |
Community Legal Services, Western University |
Connect Sports London |
Cowan Insurance Group |
Ellipsis Digital |
Fanshawe College |
Gerda Zonruiter Research and Consulting |
Grass Roots Fundraising |
Heart-Links |
Horizon Leadership Institute Inc. |
Johnny Fansher Financial & |
Kids Kicking Cancer Canada |
King's University College |
Libro Credit Union |
Lindsay Reid |
London Arts Council |
London Heritage Council |
London Life |
London Poverty Research Centre |
London Zen Centre |
Marla Marnoch, Social Impact Real Estate |
mindyourmind |
Mischevious Cat Productions |
Moss Leadership Consulting |
Music Therapy of London |
NationWorks |
On Co-op |
Pathway Leadership Group |
Personal Style Image Consulting |
Pillar Nonprofit Network |
Prana Yoga & Wellness |
Rate Drop Rebate |
Resonant Business Solutions Inc. |
Riopelle Interactive |
Sameer Vasta |
School for Advanced Studies in the Arts and Humanities, Western University |
Spoken Advantage |
TD Bank |
TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario |
Thames Valley District School Board |
The Lawson Foundation |
The Social Beehive |
The Student Success Centre, Western University |
The Writer's Eye-View |
Thrive Service Inc. |
Tracey Church & Associates |
United Way London & Middlesex |
Western Science |
Wild Academia |
YourTech London |
About Innovation Works:
Innovation Works is the only place in London, Ontario specifically designed to encourage collaboration and innovation. New innovations and cross-sector collaboration among nonprofits, social enterprises, social purpose businesses and entrepreneurs are key to turning economic, environmental, social and cultural challenges into opportunities. For more information, please visit www.innovationworkslondon.ca
About Pillar Nonprofit Network:
Pillar Nonprofit Network strengthens the impact of the nonprofit sector. We connect the three pillars - nonprofit, business and government - to create community impact. We spark innovation. For more information, please visit www.pillarnonprofit.ca