Pillar Brave Space Guidelines 2024

Brave Space Guidelines are a way to support cultivating spaces where we can build trust, and challenge our own assumptions. These guidelines pave the way for being intentional in our actions, grounding ourselves in how we show up for others; our colleagues, the organizations and ecosystems we are a part of, and the community as a whole. 

The principles of Brave Space were created as a response to the limitations presented by the notion of safe spaces. It can be easy for those with power to shut down difficult conversations when they are being challenged, by saying they are not feeling safe when what they are actually feeling is uncomfortable. Brave Space is about challenging ourselves to question what we know, and inviting the opportunities to shift our perspectives through learning, listening, and hearing from others whose experiences differ from our own.

These guidelines intend to make space for all our individual differences to create a better and more just, equitable, and joyful community for us all. It can be useful to think about how our own biases and experiences influence how we respond and react to certain situations and ideas, as well as that notion of “what is right” and “what is normal”. How might what one assesses as important differ from someone else? How can power and privilege play into that conversation? 

An important note is that Brave Space holds us accountable - it’s a practice that pushes us to reflect on our own position and responsibility in creating Brave Spaces, rather than as something to evade accountability.You can find the Brave Space Guidelines here:

Brave Space Guidelines 2024

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Advocacy and Awareness
Professional Development
Shared Space

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