Pillar, and our Executive Director, Michelle Baldwin, have been making headlines advocating on behalf of the nonprofit sector, facilitating community connections in support of the COVID-19 response, and partnering with other local organizations to support innovative solutions to the pandemic. Read the articles below and check out a few key quotes for a deeper look into how Pillar is working to support our network and our community.
Nonprofit Sector Advocacy
“When you see this kind of crisis, you quickly see how essential this sector is for the immediate and emergency aspect of a crisis. There are a lot of parts of the non-profit sector that we want to see standing now, and at the end of this. There are dark moments about this, but the (Pillar member) survey also revealed the remarkable resilience and fierce determination to adapt and protect people from more harm.” - Michelle Baldwin
“We need an infusion. Our sector is a massive economic driver, with a significant number of employees, and we need that sector to be recognized for what it brings to this country. That requires significant investment, similar to what other sectors are experiencing.” - Michelle Baldwin
“It is about recognizing the importance of the non-profit sector. We need it here, and afterward. Social enterprises are both social and economic drivers. Many organizations are showing the power of resilience and perseverance, pivoting to new virtual strategies and using innovative ideas to stay alive.” - Michelle Baldwin
"Communications is often “a huge gap for non-profits. It is a gap that has always existed. The way we’re funded it’s often difficult to have the money for a communications professional on our team. Right now, I would say it (the pandemic) has amplified that gap.” - Michelle Baldwin
"We believe all orders of government need to recognize there is a rare opportunity to rethink and shift the very structures that have been enabling and perpetuating social and economic inequities laid bare by this crisis. Governments have a role in supporting and funding cross-sector collaborations (between nonprofits, social purpose businesses, labour organizations, and public institutions like health or education, for instance) not only in creating new products, services, and solutions to the issues caused or exacerbated by COVID-19, but also to reverse the chronic underfunding of tried-and-true public services, policies, and institutions that we know have always worked to keep our communities safe, healthy, active, and prosperous.” - Michelle Baldwin
Recovery and Rebuilding the Region Design Challenge
"Pillar’s Michelle Baldwin and others have been working behind the scenes to collaborate with vital city sectors to map out a plan for moving on post-pandemic. This past week Pillar announced a partnership with Libro Credit Union and TechAlliance to find regional products, services and solutions for the recovery and rebuilding of the region. Just because we aren’t sure what the future holds doesn’t mean we shouldn’t attempt to shape it for the betterment of all Londoners." - Glen Pearson, Director, London Food Bank
“Along with crisis comes creativity, and we are seeing countless acts of selflessness, resourcefulness and resilience in our community. The Design Challenges will inspire and amplify those efforts by sharing stories from across the region and providing resources to one innovation.” - Michelle Baldwin
COVID-19 Local Community Response