Impact Consulting, a program of Pillar Nonprofit Network, is offering limited-time 30 minute FREE introductory strategic planning presentations to Pillar members' boards. Julie Forrester, the Manager of Impact Consulting, will provide an overview of strategic planning, recommended processes and options for DIY strategic planning or working with an external consultant.
Set your board and leadership up for a successful strategic planning process. We walk your team through advice related to four phases of strategic planning and discuss specific opportunities for your organization to engage stakeholders and build an actionable strategic plan. Contact Julie Forrester, jforrester@pillarnonprofit.ca, for more information and to book your session. DEADLINE TO BOOK IS MAY 1ST, 2023.
Our Approach to Strategic Planning
A strong strategic planning process captures four components of an organization; its current state, future vision, strategic priorities and actions to move forward. This process identifies strategies that will enable an organization to advance its mission, integrate its values and operate according to a co-created vision. Planning should involve board members, staff members, and ideally, other stakeholders to your organization, such as community members, clients or funders.
Our approach to strategic planning involves four overlapping phases. We believe the journey is as important as the final plan. This can be independently done by your organization or with the support of external researchers and facilitators.
Strategic planning creates organizational strategies that should be revisited in on-going basis to respond to the ever changing internal and external environment – looking ahead and planning for the future and responding to environmental changes should be a continuous process. Get guidance on your journey through a free 30 minute session with our team.
Contact Julie Forrester, jforrester@pillarnonprofit.ca, for more information and to book your session.