The Board of Directors of Pillar Nonprofit Network is pleased to announce the appointment of Maureen Cassidy as the new Chief Executive Officer, effective Tuesday, September 5, 2023. The Board enlisted the help of an external Human Resources consulting firm to conduct an independent review of the role, expectations of the Board and organizational needs, as well as a formal performance appraisal. Based on the assessment, which included staff and board input, a recommendation was made to formalize Maureen’s interim role to permanent CEO.Read More
August 31, 2023
Though it’s little more than a late-summer long weekend for some, Labour Day in Canada has a nearly 150-year history of celebrating the gains of organized labour. Pillar is taking the opportunity of Labour Day this year to highlight the ongoing struggle for decent work. Continuing our commitment to decent work practices and our call on the network to embrace the principles of decent work, Pillar has continued this year... Read More
August 30, 2023
Indwell is a Christian charity, dedicated to establishing supportive affordable residential communities that foster the overall well-being and inclusion of individuals who seek a sense of belonging. It supports a diverse range of tenants, including individuals of all ages, genders, and with various life experiences. Many of these tenants experience mental and physical challenges, which pose obstacles to securing safe, affordable housing and maintaining full-time employment. Indwell also provides long... Read More
August 29, 2023
As the City of London launches public consultations on the Health and Homelessness Whole of Community System Response, we’re hearing a lot about “systems change.” This public engagement opportunity is the right time to ask, what even is this change, why is it good, and how can we support it?Read More
August 4, 2023
LONDON, Ontario - August 4, 2023. Pillar Nonprofit Network is calling on the federal government to accelerate and expand anti-oppression work, both through direct investment and by enabling better collaboration with the social purpose sector which shares its commitments and is its ready and natural partner. The recommendatioins were made in Pillar's written submission for the pre-budget consultations in advance of the 2024 federal budget, submitted today to the Standing... Read More
August 2, 2023
Pillar's Community Advisory Panel conducted a community conversation and online survey, leading to several shared outcomes. One of the key desires expressed by the membership was to receive updates from Pillar's Interim CEO and Board regarding the organization's operations. To address this, an email was sent to members and Pillar newsletter subscribers on Thursday, August 3. In the email, Maureen Cassidy (Interim CEO) and Kapil Lakhotia (Board Chair) provided an... Read More
August 1, 2023
MEDIA RELEASE LONDON, ONTARIO - Tuesday, August 01, 2023 - Today, Pillar Nonprofit Network (Pillar) recognizes the Lawson Foundation for its generous grant of $240,000 over 3 years to support its capacity to respond to the needs of community-based organizations serving the broader London area. “With this important investment by the Lawson Foundation, Pillar can continue to focus on working with and for our community to advance the goals of... Read More
August 1, 2023
The policy team at Pillar has completed and published a report on the June 28 #PolicyTalk event, part of our commitment to help build capacity in the network and to have a positive influence on the development of the City's multi-year budget. The report -- Building the Plane While we're on the Runway -- recognizes that we are all striving for the best possible, but prepared to learn together from... Read More
July 28, 2023
For many, Canada’s relationship to chattel slavery, especially the enslavement of Black people, starts and stops with the Underground Railroad, a well-known symbol of freedom, offering hope and refuge to enslaved Black individuals escaping the United States. However, a lesser-known, uncomfortable period of history often remains shrouded in silence. Spanning 200 years before the establishment of the Underground Railroad, Canada witnessed the prevalence of slavery. Only a critical eye on... Read More
July 28, 2023
Bluepoint Public Relations is a full-service, bilingual PR & Strategic Communications firm. We believe in breaking down communication barriers and helping individuals and organizations connect with their audiences on a deeper level by implementing inclusive, trauma-informed communications practices that are rooted in empathy and designed for success. What do you want people to know about how you or your organization is creating change in our community? Bluepoint Public Relations is... Read More