MEDIA RELEASE LONDON, ONTARIO - Monday, July 10, 2023 - Today, Pillar Nonprofit Network (Pillar) welcomed Lori Runciman, Director of Grants from the London Community Foundation (LCF) to present a cheque to Pillar Interim CEO, Maureen Cassidy. Pillar staff were on hand to thank Lori and LCF for their generous $200,000 grant which will support its broad range of capacity-building programs for the nonprofit sector. “The impact of this London... Read More
July 10, 2023
July 7, 2023
On May 23, SDG Cities London and Clean Air Partnership co-hosted a workshop with the Pillar team and other community members to learn more about Mobility Equity issues in London Ontario. The event was part of the Vision Zero Hamilton Rd partnership between Pillar Nonprofit Network (SDG Cities), Crouch Resource Neighbourhood Centre , the City of London , and the HamRoad BIA using an SDG approach addressing systemic injustices in... Read More
June 26, 2023
"You can't fight City Hall." -Practically Everyone How many times have we heard, “You can’t fight City Hall.” But, then, what if we don’t have to? Recalling our founding mission, Pillar Nonprofit Network is committed to fostering and growing our members’ capacity for cross-sectoral collaboration, including with all levels of government. At the municipal level, this includes offering advice and recommendations on city policy with a nonprofit lens. But how... Read More
June 20, 2023
FIXT POINT is a Toronto-based arts & media company with national reach. Our mandate is to inspire audiences and artists to imagine change, and our mission is to promote local culture and preserve local heritage through the telling of tales across multiple platforms. We endeavour to be leaders in public engagement, embedding training and outreach into our process of creation and dissemination. FIXT POINT was founded in 2006 and incorporated... Read More
May 30, 2023
LONDON, Ont, May 31, 2023 – Nonprofit employers in the London region continue to face severe human resources challenges. In new data released today, nonprofits report greater difficulty compared to business employers in finding, hiring and, especially, retaining qualified workers, continuing conditions that are likely impacting equity-denied groups that make up much of the nonprofit workforce. Pillar Nonprofit Network and the Elgin Middlesex Oxford Workforce Planning and Development Board (EMOWPDB)... Read More
May 2, 2023
LONDON, Ont, May 2, 2023 – It is with great pleasure that we announce Mariam Waliji's appointment as the Vice President - Impact, Equity & Governance for Pillar Nonprofit Network. A dynamic and engaged community member and leader, Mariam joined the Pillar Nonprofit Network in late 2020 as a part of the WOSEN (Women of Ontario Social Enterprise Network) project where she played an integral role in co-creating accelerators for... Read More
April 28, 2023
LONDON, Ontario, April 28, 2023– Pillar Nonprofit Network members who gathered for the organization’s annual general meeting Wednesday, April 26 have elected a completely new board of directors. The slate of nine candidates was recommended by a community advisory panel, appointed by the outgoing board to coordinate the transition. None of the past board members stood for re-election. The new board met briefly after the members’ meeting to elect officers... Read More
April 11, 2023
After two federal budgets in which the nonprofit sector was "meaningfully included," Imagine Canada reports, the 2023 Federal Budget misses an opportunity to follow up with "measures that would address chronic issues that impact a sector that provides vital direct services to millions of Canadians in communities across the country." The new federal budget presented last week by Finance Minister Freeland does offer piecemeal support for targeted nonprofit sub-sectors --... Read More
April 4, 2023
Pillar Interim CEO Maureen Cassidy wrote to City Councillors asking that they not proceed with a committee-recommended appointment to the London Police Services Board in their Council meeting of April 4, but hit pause and seek greater community input.Read More
April 3, 2023
Muslim-led organizations, both local and national, have responded with disappointment in the weakness of the process and findings of a recent review of Islamophobia in CRA practices. Other nonprofit organizations across Canada, including Pillar Nonprofit Network, have collaborated on a response, calling for better processes in a newly announced investigation.Read More