
Looking for resources to help support your impact work? Search here!

Ontario Service Awards

Topic: Awards and Recognition
Ontario’s medal and recognition programs celebrate the people who make our province a better place to live. The programs acknowledge outstanding achievement in education, health care, business, science and medicine,...

Not-for-Profit Incorporator's Handbook

Topic: Legislation, Management, Starting a Nonprofit
The purpose of this Handbook is to provide both the layman and the professional with some general information on the nature of a not-for-profit corporation and guidelines on how to...

Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act

Topic: Legislation, Management, Starting a Nonprofit
An Act respecting not-for-profit corporations and certain other corporations.

Ontario's Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA)

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Legislation, Management, Starting a Nonprofit
Ontario’s Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA) provides a modern, legal framework for not-for-profit corporations, including charitable corporations. It sets out how not-for-profit corporations in Ontario are created, governed and dissolved.

techsoup Canada

Topic: Technology
TechSoup Canada is a program of the Centre for Social Innovation , a nonprofit coworking space, community and launchpad for people who are changing the world. Being a nonprofit ourselves,...

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Board Governance, Human Resources, Legislation, Management, Volunteerism
Incorporated as a nonprofit from 2005 to 2013, the HR Council for the Nonprofit Sector (HR Council) took action on nonprofit labour force issues. As a catalyst, the HR Council...

City of London

Topic: Grants and Funding

London Community Foundation

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Collaboration, Grants and Funding, Social Finance
London Community Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to improving communities across London and Middlesex County. We do this by pooling the charitable gifts of donors to create endowment funds...

Narrative Toolkit (Imagine Canada)

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness
Imagine Canada is working in partnership with others to start a New Narrative – a conversation with Canadians about our sector – who we are, what we do and how...

T3010 Quick Prep Tool (Imagine Canada)

Topic: Management
The T3010QuickPrep tool contains a variety of benefits and features to help you file your T3010 quickly and accurately.


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