
Looking for resources to help support your impact work? Search here!

London Community Foundation - Acorn Fund for Youth Grant

Topic: Awards and Recognition
Do you have a passion for improving your community? The Acorn Fund for Youth at London Community Foundation supports and provides funding for youth-led projects and initiatives in London and...

London Community Foundation - Community Fund Grants

Topic: Awards and Recognition, Grants and Funding
The Community Fund is the Foundation's community endowment, established in 1979 for individuals who wish to support the long-term vitality of London and Middlesex. The Fund is for anyone who...

Prime Minister's Awards

Topic: Awards and Recognition, Volunteerism
The Prime Minister's Awards honour Canadians who are making extraordinary contributions to our communities, our regions and our country through their service. Prime Minister's Volunteer Awards Prime Minister’s Awards for...

Ontario Volunteer Service Awards

Topic: Awards and Recognition, Volunteerism
The Ontario Volunteer Service Awards recognize individual volunteers for continuous years of commitment and dedicated service to an organization.

The Ontario Nonprofit Network

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Board Governance, Leadership, Legislation, Nonprofit Sector Development
Organized in 2007, the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN) is the convening network for the approximately 55,000 nonprofit organizations across Ontario. As a 7,000-strong provincial network, with a volunteer base of...

Imagine Canada

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Board Governance, Grants and Funding, Legislation, Nonprofit Sector Development, Professional Development
Imagine Canada exists to work alongside other charitable sector organizations — and often in partnership with the private sector, governments and individuals in the community — to ensure that charities...

Topic: Human Resources, Job Seekers
Visit for good quality information on the labour market, jobs training & education. You can use this valuable online tool to make decisions and plan for the future, research...

Volunteer Canada

Topic: Advocacy and Awareness, Awards and Recognition, Board Governance, Nonprofit Sector Development, Volunteerism
Volunteer Canada is the national voice for volunteerism in Canada. They provide tools and resources to help nonprofit organizations enhance their community engagement programs.

London and Area Association for Volunteer Administration (LAAVA)

Topic: Management, Volunteerism
The London and Area Association for Volunteer Administration (L.A.V.A.) exists to promote volunteer management and to provide leadership to the managers in this field. Connect with others in your field...

What Is Social Enterprise?

Topic: Social Enterprise
Social Enterprise in London and surrounding areas continues to take big leaps forward and Pillar Nonprofit Network is lending a hand to help nonprofit and for profit social enterprises grow...


Whether you're looking for volunteer opportunities,
networking events or a job in the nonprofit sector, we can help.
