Meals on Wheels London Board of Directors

Time Commitment: 
Long-Term (6+ months)
Deadline to Apply: 
Tuesday, April 15, 2025
Add to Calendar



Candidates are asked to send a resume and cover letter to the Executive Directors . Candidates who have experience working with a diverse range of people, and who can contribute to the climate of inclusivity at Meals on Wheels London are encouraged to identify their experiences and potential contributions in their application cover letter.


Meals on Wheels London invites applications from all qualified individuals. Meals on Wheels London is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes application from women, members of racialized groups/visible minorities, Indigenous person, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, and persons of any gender identity or gender expression. Accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment process.


While not required for application Meals on Wheels London is seeking those with experience and occupations in:


  • Human Resources
  • Healthcare
  • Food Service
  • Senior Care
  • Law (No specific field and not for any binding legal advice. MOWL seeks this when needed but those with a background can help to guide discussions)
  • Fundraising


Section 1: Membership in the Corporation


1.1       Membership in the Corporation: A board member is required to be a Member of the Corporation of the organization.  Membership dues are waived for any member of the Board of Directors.

1.2       Term of Office: The term of office of a board member is three (3) years with the option for a subsequent second term of three (3) years.




Section 2: Fiduciary Duty and Code of Conduct


2.1       Code of Conduct: Board members are expected to comply with the Code of Conduct of the organization.

2.2       Conflict of Interest: The personal interest of a board member cannot come in conflict with the interests of the organization.  Upon appointment/election to the Board of Directors a new member is required to sign the Declaration of Conflict-of-Interest Form.

2.3       Confidentiality: Board members are expected to maintain confidentiality as required according to the guidelines of the organization.  Upon appointment/ election to the Board of Directors a new member is required to sign a Confidentiality Agreement.

Section 3: Meeting Attendance, Preparation and Engagement


3.1       Board of Directors Meetings: There are ten (10) Board of Directors meetings scheduled between September and June.  Board members are expected to attend a minimum of seventy (70) percent of board meetings on an annual basis.

3.2       Annual General Meeting (AGM): The Annual General Meeting is held in June of each year and board members are expected to attend.

3.3       Meeting Preparation: Meeting information is sent to Board members a minimum of five (5) business days before each meeting.  Board members are expected to review the information in advance of each meeting.  Board members must have the capacity to receive meeting information electronically.

3.4       Meeting Engagement: Board members are expected to participate in meetings through discussion and questions.

3.5       Meeting Participation: Board members typically attend meetings in-person however electronic participation (i.e. teleconference, video conference) is available.





Section 4: Board Committee and Fundraising Involvement


4.1       Board Committees: The Board of Directors may establish committees to assist in their endeavours.  Each board member is expected to participate in-person or electronically on a committee if requested.  

4.2       Fundraising: The Board of Directors initiates several fundraising events on an annual basis.  Board members are required to attend at least one of these events on an annual basis.


Section 5: Selection Process

5.1       Application: Prospective board members are required to complete the Board Application Form and attach a current resume.

5.2       Selection Process: As part of the selection process, a potential board member will be invited to participate in an interview.  Two references and a Police Reference Check for the Vulnerable Sector are required.  Any costs associated with obtaining the Police Reference Check will be reimbursed for candidates appointed/ elected to the Board of Directors.


Section 6: Orientation and Leadership Development


6.1       Orientation: Participation in the orientation process is mandatory for all new board members.

6.2       Leadership Development: Governance leadership development can be a component of regular board meetings.  On an annual basis the Board of Directors schedules a Governance Leadership session or retreat on topic(s) that have been determined by the Board.




Section 7: Renumeration and Expenses


7.1       Remuneration: Board members do not receive remuneration for their service.

7.2       Expenses: Board members are reimbursed for meeting expenses and other eligible costs according to the policy of the organization and with the approval of the President.  Any expense claims are to be submitted on a monthly basis.

Section 8: Insurance and Identification


8.1       Insurance Coverage: Board members are included in the Officers and Directors Liability insurance coverage as long as they are in compliance with any provisions in the governing documents and Code of Conduct of the organization.



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