Social Finance

Your Guide to Social Finance

Your Guide to Social Finance - The who, what, why and how of social finance in Canada.

Social Finance is an approach to managing money to solve societal challenges.

This movement covers many different approaches to creating a positive social impact: socially responsible investments, micro-loans, community investments, and more. Grant making and program-related investments also fall under the umbrella of social finance.



In Canada's community sector, business as usual isn’t enough to deliver the results we need. Fortunately, new approaches such as developmental evaluation, social enterprise, social finance, impact and strategic clarity, collective impact, outcomes finance, constructive engagement, scaling impact, and cloud computing are helping charities and non-profits generate greater impact, more quickly, and at less cost.

London Community Foundation

London Community Foundation is a charitable organization dedicated to improving communities across London and Middlesex County. We do this by pooling the charitable gifts of donors to create endowment funds and using the investment income to make grants. London Community Foundation also provides leadership — monitoring this area's quality of life and convening people, ideas, and resources to help build stronger and more resilient communities. 


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