After a six month Reflective Practice & Research Fellowship, Michelle Baldwin, Executive Director is coming back with renewed energy and insight following global network research, learning opportunities, reflective practices and dedicated time to document the story and promising practices of Pillar, Innovation Works and VERGE Capital. To learn more read Michelle's latest blog here.
Having others step into leadership and documenting our network approach were intentional to create succession planning for the organization.
It is with deep gratitude to the board and staff for making this opportunity possible for Michelle and the organization, with a special shout out to Lore Wainwright who took on the role of Interim Executive Director. This opportunity was made possible by the generous support of Alegria 3 Inc., Banff Centre for Arts & Creativity, Cambia Development Foundation, The CulturePlex Lab at Western University, The Curated Suitcase, Decade Group, Horizon Leadership Institute Inc., Lawson Foundation, Maytree Foundation, Paul Cocker, and Ursuline Sisters.
If you are a leader, consider this half day learning opportunity to determine how you could create a conscious and intentional leadership development plan. Join Janet Frood from Horizon Leadership and Michelle on Sept 26th to explore and reflect https://pillarnonprofit.ca/event/leadership-time-out-power-and-purpose-structured-reflective-practice/pillar-nonprofit-network
To learn more about the fellowship visit www.pillarnonprofit.ca/followthefellowship and stay tuned for the launch of our new micro-site 'A Network Approach by Pillar Nonprofit Network' providing educational content about our promising practices using the network building principles of collaboration, leadership and governance, equity and inclusion and storytelling and impact.
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