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April 1, 2021
For Immediate Release Celebrating the Stories that Change Us Nominations now open for the 15th Pillar Community Innovation Awards LONDON, April 1, 2021 - Pillar Nonprofit Network is excited to announce the launch of our nominations for the 15th Annual Pillar Community Innovation Awards . Since launching in 2006, the Pillar Community Innovation Awards has become the largest community storytelling awards celebration in Canada sharing over 180 stories. This event... Read More
March 31, 2021
Pillar is excited to announce that Luis Patricio as the newest addition to our team joining us as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Cities Project Co-Lead for London. 10C Shared Space and Pillar have received $900,000 from Employment Services and Development Canada’s Sustainable Development Goals Program for the collaborative SDG Cities Project - A holistic approach to activating SDGs in mid-sized communities for long-term impacts. This multi-year, joint initiative will... Read More
March 31, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE GUELPH AND LONDON TO RECEIVE ALMOST $900,000 IN FUNDING TO DEVELOP LONG-LASTING ACTION TOWARDS THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS (SDGs) 10C Shared Space and Pillar Nonprofit Network to launch SDG Cities project in Guelph and London to strengthen organizations and purpose-driven businesses actively using and contributing to the SDGs GUELPH, ON, March 31, 2020 - Lloyd Longfield, Member of Parliament for Guelph, on behalf of the Honourable Ahmed... Read More
March 23, 2021
To celebrate the incredible impact that our outgoing Executive Director Michelle Baldwin has had on our organization and on all of the people she has touched, we asked you to share the important lessons you've learned from working with Michelle over the past 14 years. Thank you all for sharing your pages of memories; they have all been shared with Michelle. To capture all of your wonderful sentiments we reached... Read More
March 16, 2021
Michelle Baldwin, a visionary leader, purpose-driven community connector, mentor and change-maker, has stood at the helm of Pillar Nonprofit Network for over 14 years and even before that was engaged as a founding volunteer. During that time, Michelle ignited countless projects and community collaborations that have had a positive social impact in our community and region. Under her leadership, the impact of our organization has increased tremendously, growing to include... Read More
March 16, 2021
On March 8th, we partnered with TechAlliance of Southwestern Ontario, Women in Communications and Technology London Chapter (WCT), All Women L.E.A.D., and South Western Ontario Angel Group (SWO Angels) to deliver Smashing Barriers: Dare to Rise. The experience, in celebration of International Women's Day, brought together 331 attendees to hear keynote Claudette McGowan, Global Executive Officer of Cyber Experience at TD Canada, and panelists Dr. Lisa Smith, Deputy Head of... Read More
March 15, 2021
City Art Centre aims to provide a safe place, free art supplies, peer support, and encouragement for those 18 years and older who self-identify as living with mental illness. Over the years, members have developed a wide range of styles, forms, and techniques to support individual creative processes. Quality of life is greatly enhanced as feelings are expressed through art and healing is facilitated. “We are a drop-in Studio &... Read More
March 2, 2021
Pillar is testing a new way to crowdsource the various ideas and projects in our community specific to the Canada Healthy Communities Initiative (CHCI) funding opportunity to transform public spaces in response to COVID-19. This round is due March 9th, 2021, and there is another round in June 2021. You can find the CHCI applicant guide here . This crowdsourcing approach to funding ideas and projects is so we can... Read More
March 2, 2021
By Silence Genti - Silence Genti is a member of the London Black History Coordinating Committee and founding editor of the upcoming black community magazine, Yebo! I've been thinking a lot about public good versus community good. Public good is a term used when talking about philanthropic organizations. It's a term that’s sometimes used when talking about the effect of government social and economic policies. I have a confession to... Read More
February 18, 2021
In preparation for the spring 2021 budget, the Ontario government held consultations seeking ideas on how to continue to protect the people of Ontario through the COVID-19 pandemic and support a strong economic recovery. Pillar Nonprofit Network joined the Ontario Nonprofit Network and other sector organizations in advocating for expanded relief for nonprofit employers and new relief to volunteer-run organizations. Please read the full submission from Pillar ED Michelle Baldwin... Read More


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