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March 28, 2023
Greyscale image of pop music performance in a large auditorium setting
In fall 2021, London, Ontario was added to a list of over 50 cities around the world named as a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) City of Music. With this designation, London joined close to 300 cities in 90 countries that make up the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN). The mission of the network is to build partnerships between cities that “have recognized creativity as a strategic... Read More
March 23, 2023
As part of our Impact Consulting program, Pillar is offering 30 minute free strategic planning introduction presentations and consultations to boards of Pillar member organizations.Read More
March 23, 2023
Innoweave, an initiative of The J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, provides up to $10k in funding to support your team’s capacity-building. Check out the Innoweave site to learn more and take your organization to the next level. Interested in applying? Contact Manager of Impact Consulting, Julie Forrester at for application support.Read More
March 14, 2023
Text banner: Community Advisory Panel Now Seeking Board Members for Pillar
LONDON, Ontario (March 14, 2023) Applications are now open for candidates seeking to join the Pillar Board of Directors. In an email earlier today to Pillar members and the larger community, the Community Advisory Panel (CAP) charged with recruiting new board members has issued a call for nominations, and the positions are now posted to Pillar's online Volunteer Opportunities page. Subject to a by-law amendment aiming to reduce the size... Read More
March 13, 2023
Text graphic including cameo of people joining hands and the Pillar Nonprofit Network logo: "Strategies to support local nonprofits | Pillar's comments on the City of London Draft Strategic Plan
Pillar was heartened to join with so many Londoners at last week's Public Participation Meeting of Council's Strategic Priorities and Policy Committee to comment on the City of London's draft strategic plan for 2023-2027. We are encouraged that the draft plan includes among its expected results, that "small and growing businesses, entrepreneurs and non-profits are supported to be successful." However, as Interim CEO Maureen Cassidy noted in her remarks to... Read More
February 28, 2023
A cameo image of Dharshi Lacey with the text -- "A Champion & Catalyst for Change: Celebrating Dharshi Lacey"
With mixed feelings and deep gratitude, we announce Dharshi Lacey, VP of Diversity and Governance, will leave her role with Pillar Nonprofit Network for an exciting opportunity in Kelowna, BC.Read More
February 27, 2023
Image of a indoor wall garden installed in the cafe section of co-working space Innovation Works.
It’s a long road to community recovery for London, and we’re not there yet. To see how far we’ve yet to go towards social and economic rehabilitation, you needn’t look further than the month-over-month rise in numbers of clients accessing the London Food Bank. In February, the organization projected a record 5,000 families, or 14,000 individuals, will depend on the Food Bank to meet their basic needs. The Food Bank... Read More
February 13, 2023
Organization/Business: Every Canadian Counts Short Bio or Organizational Mission: There is an urgent need to provide disabled Canadians and their families access to a fully funded program that meets their needs for a decent life. Currently they are denied even the most basic supports and services. The crisis is clearly illustrated by disability poverty and homelessness, while so many desperately seek access to needed services. Lack of services, weak provincial... Read More
February 10, 2023
Pillar Nonprofit Network is pleased to announce a new partnership with the Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations (CCVO) and Imagine Canada to work on the Boland Survey. The Boland Survey is the most comprehensive source of nonprofit sector compensation and HR data in Canada. It has helped Canadian nonprofits make data-based decisions on salary and human resource practices since 1997. Pillar Nonprofit Network sees the Boland Survey as an important... Read More
February 7, 2023
Banner reading "PILLAR NONPROFIT NETWORK | RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ONTARIO BUDGET 2023 AND A RESILIENT NONPROFIT PARTNER." Image includes Pillar logo, a cameo of hands joined together, seen from overhead; and small icons showing connected dots.
Pillar Nonprofit Network is recommending to the Ontario government that Budget 2023 include targeted measures to help build a stronger, more resilient nonprofit sector, encouraging more effective cross-sector collaboration and more effective services for Ontarians. In January, Pillar Interim CEO Maureen Cassidy appeared before Ontario Finance Minister Peter Bethlenfalvy to advocate for the nonprofit sector as part of Ontario's 2023 pre-budget consultations, citing local workforce data, our region's experience in... Read More


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