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February 11, 2021
Written by Zoe Masseo This post was contributed by Zoe as part of her coursework for Women in Civic Leadership at King's University College. This assignment paired students with a community organization to create a project together, in this case, a blog post about how women who are parents working in the nonpofit sector are affected by COVID-19 in regards to government and workplace policies. Zoe is completing her Honours... Read More
February 3, 2021
After a thorough process that incorporated deep research, reflection and consultation, Pillar Nonprofit Network is pleased to share the release of our 2021 – 2023 Strategic Plan. This plan charts a bold path for our organization and network. The challenges of helping to support a sustainable and equitable recovery, creating transformational change, and shifting systems of oppression, are complex, and we cannot realize our ambitions on our own. Making progress... Read More
February 1, 2021
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 1, 2021 LONDON, ON - During the height of the pandemic, over 77 local investors have contributed a total of $1 million to the Innovation Works Community Bond helping us reach our campaign goal. This marks a significant increase from the 47 investors who supported our first Community Bond in 2015, showing a remarkable growth of community engagement. At a time when many charities and nonprofits... Read More
January 29, 2021
Happy new year, Pillar members. It’s not the fresh start it was cracked up to be, but all of us at Pillar want to take a moment, when many of us celebrate new beginnings, to imagine a better year. For us all. We try not to talk about silver linings; the cloud is too thick with grief for that. But we can still have hope. Leonard Cohen famously sang that,... Read More
January 26, 2021
For over 14 years, Michelle Baldwin has been the intrepid leader of Pillar Nonprofit Network. Under her leadership, the impact of our organization has increased tremendously, growing to include Innovation Works, VERGE Capital and CityStudio while sparking countless community collaborations. To help celebrate Michelle’s legacy at Pillar, we’re looking to you to share what you’ve learned from working with her, whether as a community partner, employee, volunteer, mentee or friend... Read More
January 14, 2021
Here at Pillar, we're excited to be starting off the new year with two wonderful new colleagues joining our team. Join us in welcoming Jamie Cudmore, CityStudio Projects Coordinator and Marissa Ouellette-Quimby, Marketing and Communications Assistant. Jaimie Cudmore is curious about what and who makes the places where we live. Excited to be joining the CityStudio and Pillar team in London, Jaimie brings a background in design and planning research... Read More
December 22, 2020
Written by Nikky Manfredi Holding a cup of tea in one hand and petting her dog with the other, Mariam Waliji is the picture of success - at least, her definition of success. As she reflects on recently joining the Women of Ontario Social Enterprise Network (WOSEN) and Pillar Nonprofit Network team, it becomes clear that Mariam’s story is anything but linear. Her purpose is not bound up in societal... Read More
December 21, 2020
As per Middlesex London Health Unit COVID Response Framework, we are required to close the doors at Innovation Works as of Saturday December 26 at 12:01am . The restrictions are in effect for all of Southern Ontario from Saturday December 26, 2020 to Saturday January 23, 2021. Our expectation is that our co-tenant members are following the guidance of the MLHU and are not coming in for anything other than... Read More
December 9, 2020
December 9, 2020 Re: City of London Budget 2021 Dear Mayor Ed Holder and City Council, Pillar Nonprofit Network is writing to express our appreciation for your support and consideration of nonprofits and social enterprise during COVID19 and to request your continued understanding of the impacts on nonprofits and social enterprises and ultimately, Londoners and our community. We have three recommendations: Bring an anti-racism and anti-oppression lens to budget discussions... Read More
December 9, 2020
In part 3 of our Systems Log series, we are going to discuss how collaboration between Ontario’s community of place-based funders, investors and intermediaries can shift our finance structures for community impact. In part 1 , we gave an overview of systems change and transformation and in part 2 , we discussed one pathway to leverage global frameworks in local context. A quick note before we proceed: sometimes, we think... Read More


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